Mallorca, Mallorca, Spain, Spain, Travel
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Mallorca was the final finale of my summer ’17 trip. It was the perfect end to an incredible summer in Europe.

I had been to Mallorca in 2010, but only for one night. I spent five nights this time and stayed in an AirBnB in a charming alley in the heart of Palma, which is Mallorca’s capital city. Palma has plenty of shopping, restaurants and bars and it’s so nice to wander and get lost in the streets there. You can pretty much walk everywhere in Palma and it’s a great central location to stay on the island.

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I also have to recommend Rambla 28 for a fresh and healthy meal. I called it “Mama’s Kitchen” because it was always a woman or her daughter cooking everything in front of you in their little shop that serves healthy toasts, smoothies, salads, and the bombest sweet and savory crepes made from scratch. I literally went there every day for five days straight for a meal. It’s on La Rambla street in the heart of Palma and its one of my favorite gems I’ve ever discovered while traveling.


Palma is a must see, but Mallorca is all about its beaches…

There are so many beaches to choose from in Mallorca, and the best advice I could give is to rent a car and explore as many as you can. The beaches are spread out, and it took us sometimes an hour to drive to a beach from Palma. There were so many different beaches to choose from, and unfortunately I only had time to hit up three of them. Each beach is unique and beautiful in its own right. See the ones I visited below.


My favorite and most beautiful beach in my opinion. Cala Moro is such an incredible sight, especially from above. The beach is quite small and there is barely any space- everyone parks on the rocks which isn’t the most comfortable, but this beach is worth it. The water is a beautiful turquoise color and it feels almost like a bay more than a beach. It’s a little bit of a walk down to it, which I found to be the case for most Mallorca beaches…it’s an absolute mission to get to a lot of them so put on your walking shoes! If there isn’t any room at Cala Des Moro, then just a walk away is Cala S’Almonia. It’s not as breathtaking as Moro but it’s still really beautiful with a lot more space.

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Views on the walk to Cala Des Moro

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Es Trenc beach is a long stretch of 10km beach that extends from Sa Rapita to Colonia De Sant Jordi. I visited this beach later in the day, and although it was a lively and beautiful beach I wasn’t very impressed. There was too much seaweed for my liking and the water wasn’t as blue and clear as the other beaches I saw. It’s one of Mallorca’s most popular beaches and it’s definitely fun and lively but I prefer more secluded hidden beaches with tranquil, clear water.

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Cala Varques is a small secluded cove surrounded by cliffs. It was about a 25 minute walk from the street where you park your car all the way down to the beach. Talk about a mission to get to! I really liked this beach, but I regret going too late in the day. The water wasn’t as clear and blue as it is earlier in the day. Also the almost 30 minute walk to the beach was a little much for me lol.

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  • Cala Agulla
  • Cala Mondrago
  • Cala Mesquida
  • Cala Torta
  • Cala Formentor
  • Cala Pi
  • Cala Banyabufar

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