All posts tagged: beaches


I chose Spain as my summer destination, so had to make a stop in Ibiza to see a few of my friends that were also there for the summer. This was my second time in Ibiza, but I had gone in 2010 when I was a lot younger and had no idea what I was doing back then lol. Now I know how to do it right- a bunch of my friends go every summer and I was with a good group this time who knew all the places to go. We rented an AirBnB villa and also rented a car to get around the island. We stacked up with groceries and booze for the week and spent the days at the villa, and nights out. To be honest, I’m not the biggest drinker or partier anymore, so going out five nights in a row in Ibiza sounded like pure torture to me lol. I went out three of the five nights which was more than enough for me. The clubs there aren’t really my …


Mallorca was the final finale of my summer ’17 trip. It was the perfect end to an incredible summer in Europe. I had been to Mallorca in 2010, but only for one night. I spent five nights this time and stayed in an AirBnB in a charming alley in the heart of Palma, which is Mallorca’s capital city. Palma has plenty of shopping, restaurants and bars and it’s so nice to wander and get lost in the streets there. You can pretty much walk everywhere in Palma and it’s a great central location to stay on the island. I also have to recommend Rambla 28 for a fresh and healthy meal. I called it “Mama’s Kitchen” because it was always a woman or her daughter cooking everything in front of you in their little shop that serves healthy toasts, smoothies, salads, and the bombest sweet and savory crepes made from scratch. I literally went there every day for five days straight for a meal. It’s on La Rambla street in the heart of Palma and its …


    I am always traveling, but there is no place like home. I do appreciate my days in LA, and there is so much to do and see in my own city. I learned you don’t have to fly across the world to experience beautiful things, sometimes the most beautiful places are right in front of you. I am all about discovering the secret gem spots that are just a drive away around Los Angeles to save me from a long flight. The other day I hiked in Palos Verdes and explored the beautiful cliffs and beaches. Take a look!


I finished up my Tanzania trip in Zanzibar. It was the perfect end to our incredible experience in Africa. Many people don’t know that the Eastern Coast of Africa lies on the Indian Ocean and has beautiful beaches. Zanzibar is an island right off the coast of Tanzania. We explored the main island of Zanzibar first. We went to a slave site where they used to auction and sell Africans as slaves and transported them by boat to the United States on slave ships in the 1800’s. It was really intense to see the slave quarters where they held them and the areas where they auctioned them off.  They used to keep around 60 slaves underground in a tiny holding quarter with barely any light. There were no toilets and they were chained by their hands and feet. It felt very eery to be standing in the slave chambers where people were being enslaved and treated like animals because of the color of their skin. As hard as it was to be there, it was important to learn more …