There are million reasons why you go to Disneyland, it really is the happiest place on earth. Or maybe I’m just a child trapped in a woman’s body, I don’t know. I swear I am just happier there. I don’t think its the same for everyone though, my dad hates Disneyland. Like swore he’ll never go back the last time my mom dragged him there for two days spending the night at Disneyland resort with the family. I don’t think he’s been back since, and this was probably fifteen years ago lol. Every time we had family visitors from Israel, of course they wanted to go to Disneyland, and my dad, trying to be the good host and a good sport that he was, would suck it up one last time (he hoped), always describing waiting in hour long lines to go on a less than 2-minute ride was “torture”. Well, I can’t say the same for myself. I love bringing people there from out of town- I get to relive my childhood all over …