Italian, New York, New York City
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I went to Carbone for dinner after the NBA All Star game in New York this past Sunday. My sister who lives in New York, made a reservation for Carbone a month in advance. It’s not easy to get in. I was sitting court side at the All Star Game and had to leave at half time and give up my court side seat to make it in time for our 10:15pm reservation! You might think I’m crazy to give up my court side seat, but if you know me, you know how I take food very seriously so I wasn’t going to let this reservation go to waste. During halftime, I FINALLY had the chance to meet Jay Z (which I’ve been waiting my whole life for), so I was coming off a high. I felt like my life was complete, so it made leaving the game a little easier (ha). Before talking about the food, I have to mention that our table was a foot away from Nas at Carbone. We chatted through out dinner and all toasted and took a shot with him at the end of the night. I met Jay & Nas within one hour of each other… the two kings of NY- living legends. Thought that was pretty dope.

Anyway, the food at Carbone was amazing. Everything we ordered was delicious and so flavorful. I was in food heaven. If you like Italian food, Carbone is worth a visit. The two popular things on the menu is their Veal Parmesan, and Spicy Rigatoni, which we ordered, and both were  incredible. We also ordered the Eggplant Torrisi and Ceasar Salad for an appetizer, the Funghi Trifolati (sautéed mushrooms) for a side, and the chocolate cake and Tiramisu for dessert. And by the way, the bread basket they bring out for you is to die for- especially the garlic bread.

I highly recommend Carbone. We all really enjoyed it. I’ll be back soon!

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