New York Fashion Week, Travel
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I’ve gone to New York Fashion Week for the past 4 years. In the previous years I’ve gone as a field producer for E! Fashion Police, which was an incredible experience. We filmed the Fashion Police Episodes with Joan Rivers in the heart of NYFW as well as attended and covered all the runway shows and parties. I had the opportunity to produce talent at several designer shows and events, as well as interview designers and celebrities backstage before and after the runway shows. It was always hectic and a lot of work but very exciting.

This was the first fashion week I attended by myself without E! and I was really nervous to go. I actually planned on not going but got peer pressured from a bunch of friends so decided to go last minute. I attended a few shows and events but left early to go back to LA to shoot my nude swim collection to get it up online. For all of those reading this that are wanting to go to New York Fashion Week but never been, it looks way more glamorous on Instagram then what it really is. It’s cool and exciting to experience, but to be honest it’s not really my favorite. I’d rather be dancing on a beach somewhere with no shoes. (By the end of fashion week my feet were done! Blisters everywhere).

I rounded up my NYFW looks and thought I’d share it with you- xx

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Sweater: H&M | Boots: Manolo Blahniq

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Shirt: Opening Ceremony | Jacket: H&M | Boots: Vintage

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Sweater: Givenchy | Boots: Manolo Blahniq

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Pants & Jacket: H&M | Top: Love Nookie

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Shirt: (Men’s)- Beautiful Ful | Boots: Manolo Blahniq

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