Thailand, Travel
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I went to Thailand with two of my best friends Caity and Dominique. This was my first NON work trip in a long time so it was so much fun and honestly the experience of a lifetime to be able to travel with two of your closest girlfriends. Caity had an appearance at Comic Con in Bangkok so we were there for a few days, which was a few days too long lol. If you’ve ever been to Bangkok you know what I’m talking about. It’s not a place you want to be for more than a full day. The beauty of Thailand is out of the city and in the North and on the islands. I went to Thailand with my dad in 2009 so this was my second time there. I really love Thailand. It has gotten a lot more touristy since 2009, but it is still amazing. I highly recommend visiting Northern Thailand (specifically Chang Mai) to experience authentic Thailand. I visited Chang Mai with my dad but did’t get a chance on this recent trip with the girls due to time constraints…but we did go to the islands!



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Where I stayed: On both trips to Thailand I stayed at the Dusit Thani. It’s an authentic Thai hotel in the heart of Bangkok.

What to do: The highlight of Bangkok was venturing 2 hours outside of Bangkok (LOL) to a traditional Thai floating market. You basically shop the market in a boat and can get out on a few stops to roam the market. There’s a lot of good food. Make sure to order a Mango Sticky Rice! It’s a really cool experience.

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Rooftops: Also worth visiting a rooftop bar and restaurant in Bangkok. The Sky Bar at Lebua is breathtaking for dinner and/or drinks and a spectacular view of Bangkok. (This is where they filmed a scene in The Hangover 2).

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Shrines and temples: You should obviously pay a visit to the main shrines and temples around Bangkok. (Wat Phra Kaew & Wat Pho).


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After Bangkok we went to Krabi and stayed at a Ritz Carlton Reserve. We splurged a little to stay here but it was really beautiful and worth it.

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After Krabi, we stayed in Koh Phi Phi for two nights which is my favorite island. It’s a backpackers island with a really cute town. The water surrounding Koh Phi Phi is turquoise and blue. Take a boat tour one day to the surrounding islands where you can visit Maya Bay (where they filmed The Beach), Monkey Island, and all the lagoons. This was the highlight of my trip.

Tip: I suggest getting your own private boat to venture out to the islands instead of joining a group tour. It’s not that much more expensive and you can customize your own schedule for the day.

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We spent a half day in Phuket before our flight out to Paris. One night in Phuket is really all you need in my opinion. It’s definitely a party island and there is a lot going on. It’s really fun and great for beach activities and water sports.


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