All posts tagged: reel


Everybody knows Instagram isn’t really REAL. People edit the shit out of their pictures, they show the best second of their day…it’s not an accurate depiction of someone’s real life. People show what they want you to see. I am guilty of it myself…I kind of got sucked in to the whole “pretty Instagram thing”. Everyone wants their page to look cool, you want to brand yourself, and I totally get it. It’s what pays the bills for some of us so we conform to what works, what brands like, and what will give you the most likes. I have been struggling to find a way to find a different lane, to try and show the most authentic ME as possible. My followers do know I love to eat, which is something they see through my IG stories and snap chats, giving a more “behind the scenes” look into me and my life. Food is a huge part of who I am. I like Instagram stories and LIVE, because people can actually see and get …


If you’ve been following me for awhile, you know what I’m about. My life passion’s are food, travel and culture. I graduated UCLA with a degree in World Arts and Culture and dance, and quit my steady job at E! to travel the world full time and show different culture from around the world. My mission is to inspire you to get out of your comfort zone. To book the flight to a place you’ve always wanted to go. To educate and unveil economical and political issues in the places I travel to. To motivate you to follow your dreams and do what you are truly passionate about. Take the risk. Live and love to the fullest, and help make the world a better place by spreading good energy and positivity. Being a foodie is what started everything for me. I started this blog in 2009 as a food blog, and would write and review restaurants I would eat at across the world. I would book my trips based on food I wanted to try and restaurants I wanted to …