All posts tagged: ciroc


A few weeks ago I hosted a women’s empowerment brunch sponsored by Ciroc at the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills. I was truly honored to be recognized as a woman making power moves.  I think it’s really important for women to come together to support, inspire and motivate one another. I make sure to surround myself with hardworking, independent women that push me to be the best version of me. Everyone at the brunch were women that I look up to that inspire me in some way or another. “I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass”.-  Maya Angelou See the recap of the brunch below:


My trip to Jordan was an adventure. My family and I crossed the border from walking from Israel to Jordan. We went through both Israeli and Jordanian customs and walked through to Aqaba, Jordan. When we walked through the border, we got into a cab and drove to our hotel and stayed in Aqaba for one night. We left first thing in the morning to Wadi Rum, and spent the day in the desert with a guide. He took us through the desert and we hiked on sand dunes, saw ancient scriptures carved on amazing rock formations and spent the night in a Bedouin camp. The bedouin camp was an amazing experience. I remember just laying on the warm sand at night looking up at the sky and thinking I’ve never seen stars so bright. The sky was so clear I could see the Milky Way. There was no electricity, no lights, no people, no buildings- nothing for miles. We were literally in the middle of the desert. The next morning we went to Petra. It is …


I wrote an exclusive article for Haute Living about my thoughts and experience on Israel. I wanted to share it on my blog as well if you haven’t checked it out! Click here if you want to view it on the Haute Living website. Israel is one of the most fascinating and beautiful destinations in the world. Despite it’s rich history, culture and rapid growth, Israel along with much of the Middle East remains an untouchable warzone in the minds and media of most western countries. Growing up immersed in Israeli culture and surrounded by my Israel family, I feel extremely connected to Israel. Looking back on the summers I spent exploring the country, I feel a sense of nostalgia and appreciation for my homeland. Through media and misconception, the beauty and magic of Israel is largely lost behind a constant portrayal of war and terrorism. I constantly get asked the same questions about safety and if I’m scared to go, beyond that point people seem to be unaware of what Israel has to offer. That …


Israel has a very special place in my heart. I grew up traveling to Israel during my summers off school to visit my dad’s side of the family and I have so many amazing memories that have impacted my life and helped shape who I am today. Israel is, and will forever be a part of me. I feel very connected when I go there, and I think it’s truly one of the most fascinating and beautiful places in the world. Many people I talk to don’t know anything about Israel or what it’s like. They call me “brave” when I tell them I am going, and think it’s only desert, sand dunes and war tanks. It’s crazy to think how the media has portrayed Israel, and it’s sad that the majority of people have major misconceptions of how it really is. My goal for this trip was to show Israel how I know it. If I could live anywhere in the world besides America, I would choose Israel in a heart beat. There is so much history …


Visitors from around the world travel to Napa Valley for its famous wineries, restaurants and beautiful scenery. The Valley is 30 miles long, only a few miles wide and is home to over 400 tasting rooms. I drove from Los Angeles for an evening and a day just before Memorial Day weekend which is considered the beginning of Napa’s summer season. The vineyards were green with growth, the weather was warm and I never felt overwhelmed by the amount of people we saw. The City of Napa is located at the southern end of Napa Valley and is the beginning of many wine tours. The Napa Valley Wine Train begins just a stones throw away from downtown Napa or you can bring your own driver or hire a car for transportation around the Valley. I had 24 hours to make the best out of what Napa Valley had to offer, so below is what I suggest for a quick, well-rounded Napa Valley experience. WHERE TO STAY The Westin Verasa Napa is the epitome of luxury …