All posts tagged: new zealand


I just got back from the Cook Islands. When I tell people I went there, I pretty much get a lot of blank stares. I think a lot of people don’t really know where that is, and I admit I didn’t either when I was pitched to visit. WHERE IS COOK ISLANDS? Cook Islands is a bunch of small islands in the middle of the South Pacific ocean northeast of New Zealand between French Polynesia and American Samoa/Hawaii. There make up a compilation of a several small islands, and I visited the largest  island of Rarotonga and a smaller island called Aitutaki. FLIGHTS TO COOK ISLANDS: I went with the Cook Islands Tourism Board for one week. I flew direct on Air New Zealand from Los Angeles into Rarotonga, which is a 10 hour flight. There is only 1 direct flight a week on Air New Zealand. We took an 11:30pm flight on Saturday night and arrived in Cook Islands early Sunday morning. Because it was a sponsored trip flights were covered, but I got …