All posts tagged: home decor


Hey guys! I know it’s  been awhile… I FINALLY got around to doing my “Final Home Tour”, and although it’s been 2.5 since I bought my house, I thought better late than never. It’s crazy how much of a process it is, and it’s still a work in progress. The design and feel of my home is inspired by my travels- I really tried to incorporate different elements that remind me of some of my favorite places in the world. I realized throughout this process that I really enjoy home design, renovations and architecture, and hope to expand more into this world. I really hope you enjoy this video and feel free to message me if you have any questions about my process or about any specific pieces! xo, Nicole


I’m excited to share that I bought my first house! I’ve worked my whole life for this moment and it’s a really exciting new chapter in my life. I wanted to show you the house as we bought it, before we started renovations. Stay tuned for a house tour after were done with renovations, and looking forward to bringing you along with me through my home process! You can already see a lot of the process on my “MY HOME” Instagram story highlights!