All posts tagged: cook islands


  BEST things to do in Rarotonga & Aitutaki! This was my 2nd experience in the Cook Islands and I visited the islands of Rarotonga & Aitutaki. If you’re looking for things to do in Rarotonga Cook Islands, then you’ve come to the right place! I’ll share some info on snorkeling in the Cook Islands, (snorkeling in Rarotonga) and you’ll also learn about Aitutaki Cook Islands! When it comes to “what to do in Cook Islands,” we did it all! We got to try some snorkeling, whale watching, island/sandbar hopping, and tried the best local foods on the islands. :::: Connect With Me:


I’ve sat on this for awhile. It’s been a year and a half since my trip to Cook Islands! I kind of half assed doing a VLOG- but since I’m going again for the 2nd time next month I thought I’d slap something together before my trip there, and at least put this out there. I really want to start doing more Youtube content even if the videos aren’t amazing. I  want to always be uploading consistent and constant content for you guys, so it would mean so much if you would support and subscribe to my channel! It will help motivate me to release more video content and all the tutorials you ask for! Anyway, enjoy this VLOG from the beautiful Cook Islands! And you can read my original blog post from Cook Islands  here. xx-Nicole


I just got back from the Cook Islands. When I tell people I went there, I pretty much get a lot of blank stares. I think a lot of people don’t really know where that is, and I admit I didn’t either when I was pitched to visit. WHERE IS COOK ISLANDS? Cook Islands is a bunch of small islands in the middle of the South Pacific ocean northeast of New Zealand between French Polynesia and American Samoa/Hawaii. There make up a compilation of a several small islands, and I visited the largest  island of Rarotonga and a smaller island called Aitutaki. FLIGHTS TO COOK ISLANDS: I went with the Cook Islands Tourism Board for one week. I flew direct on Air New Zealand from Los Angeles into Rarotonga, which is a 10 hour flight. There is only 1 direct flight a week on Air New Zealand. We took an 11:30pm flight on Saturday night and arrived in Cook Islands early Sunday morning. Because it was a sponsored trip flights were covered, but I got …